Mega Limited Additional VPN Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing MEGA. Before you start using MEGA VPN, please read these Additional VPN Terms of Service carefully. Please also read MEGA’s General Terms of Service because they also apply when you use MEGA VPN.

Table of contents
Acceptable use
Privacy, takedown, and enforcement
Limitations on service


  1. You and anyone who you allow to access or use MEGA VPN are bound by:
    1. these Additional VPN Terms of Service; and
    2. MEGA’s General Terms of Service, including the disclaimers, limitations of liability and indemnity provisions set out in clauses 42-53.

      (together, these Additional VPN Terms of Service and MEGA’s General Terms of Service, are the Terms).
  2. You agree that MEGA VPN constitutes a “service”, as defined in clause 1 of MEGA’s General Terms of Service. If there is any conflict between these Additional VPN Terms of Service and MEGA’s General Terms of Service, the provisions in these Additional VPN Terms of Service apply.

Eligibility and Acceptable use

  1. You confirm you are at least 18 years of age, or the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside.
  2. You must use MEGA VPN for lawful purposes only. It is your responsibility to know and understand the laws applicable to your use of MEGA VPN. This includes the laws applicable in the country you and anyone who you allow to access MEGA VPN reside and may also include the laws of any country with which or through which you use MEGA VPN to transmit or receive data.
  3. You must comply with the Terms and all applicable laws when using MEGA VPN, including in relation to any data you upload, access or share using MEGA VPN. Without limitation you may not do any of the prohibited acts set out in clause 17 of MEGA’s General Terms of Service, or:
    1. Undertake any unlawful, illicit, criminal or illegal activity;
    2. Access or connect to, or attempt to access or connect to, any computer without authorisation;
    3. Impersonate any person, company or entity, or falsely represent that you are associated with any person, company or entity;
    4. Compile or distribute a list of MEGA VPN IP addresses;
    5. Send bulk unsolicited communications or unsolicited data of any sort, including any that advertise any MEGA IP address or any URL/domain hosted by MEGA, or do any acts involving deceptive online marketing or fraud;
    6. Undertake other actions or transmissions constituting spam;
    7. Transmit viruses, malware, spyware, trojans or worms, use our service for phishing, or to undertake DDoS attacks on any people, websites, computers or networks;
    8. Obtain, download, stream, share or publish data in breach of any law in any applicable country, including:
      1. material infringing anyone else’s intellectual property or other rights in any data;
      2. illegal information of any kind.

Privacy, takedown, and enforcement

  1. MEGA’s Privacy and Data Policy (the Policy) applies to your use of MEGA VPN. MEGA will not collect information or data about your browsing history, DNS queries or the time you spend on pages.
  2. MEGA will collect and retain the following information concerning your use of the MEGA VPN:
    1. IP addresses (both originating IP addresses and assigned VPN server IP addresses) and port information;
    2. Times and dates of connection and access;
    3. Bandwidth usage;
    4. Other usage metadata; and
    5. Account Data as described in clause 8.3 of the Policy (with the exception of information about your browser type which MEGA will not collect).
  3. The information described in clause 8 above:
    1. is collected, stored and processed by MEGA:
      1. so that we can provide, manage, maintain and improve MEGA VPN;
      2. to prevent service abuse;
      3. to ensure our compliance with international regulatory requirements; and
      4. to enforce these Terms (including as to bandwidth and device limits);
    2. Will be treated in the same manner as Account Data is treated under our Policy.
  4. MEGA’s Takedown Guidance Policy applies to your use of MEGA VPN. If MEGA becomes aware of any breach by you of these Additional VPN Terms or MEGA’s General Terms of Service, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your entire MEGA account and take any further steps provided for in MEGA’s Takedown Guidance Policy, Privacy and Data Policy and/or General Terms of Service.

Limitations on service

  1. MEGA may at its discretion impose limits or restrictions on:
    1. The number of devices accessing MEGA VPN per account at any time;
    2. Bandwidth usage in respect of any account.
  2. We may impose usage limits, block access to, suspend or discontinue MEGA VPN, or block certain kinds of usage at any time where we consider it necessary for our business purposes and without further notice to you.


  1. If you need support with MEGA VPN, please email us at
  2. MEGA may replace any version of MEGA VPN with a new version or add new features to a current version at any time. These Additional Terms will automatically apply.
  3. You are responsible for all costs and expenses associated with your use of MEGA VPN, including any data charges from third party service providers. You are also responsible for ensuring you have a stable and active connection to the Internet.
  4. These Additional VPN Terms of Service may be amended, superseded or revoked at any time.