Mega Limited Cookie Policy

In this Cookie Policy and on our Cookie Settings page we collectively refer to browser cookies and all similar types of technologies (such as local storage, web beacons and device identifiers, which we talk more about below) as ‘Cookies’.
In this Cookie Policy you can find out about the types of Cookies we use when you access our services and also what is done with the information collected from you via those Cookies. We also explain how you can opt out of our use of Cookies where it is possible to do so.

Technologies We Use

Browser Cookies

Browser cookies are small amounts of data that a website places on your computer or mobile device. These browser cookies can be used to store information about the actions you take on the websites you visit, like the pages you’ve looked at and any preferences such as the language or screen layout that you’ve selected.

Browser cookies and all the similar types of technologies we talk about further below, can identify your device, but they can’t identify you personally.

Any browser cookies that we set when you visit our website or use our apps are called ‘first party cookies’ as we control them. However, when we use a browser cookie created by someone else (such as an advertising associate), it is referred to as a ‘third party cookie’ as we don’t control the data that is collected by that third party cookie.

You can find out about the specific third party cookies we use by heading to the Third Party Cookies page in our Cookie Settings.

On the Third Party Cookies page you can also find links to the privacy policy of each third party cookie that we use. These specific third party privacy policies (and not this Cookie Policy or our Privacy and Data Policy) will govern how any information collected by those third party cookies is used.

Local Storage

Local storage works in a similar way to browser cookies. Local storage consists of a small amount of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device. Local storage has some technical advantages over browser cookies in terms of the amount of data it can store, how long it can exist for and the more efficient way it transmits information. Local storage is also used in the same way as browser cookies for remembering things such as any preferences like the language or screen layout that you’ve selected.

Web Beacons

A web beacon is a tiny transparent image file placed on a webpage that can be used, often in conjunction with browser cookies, to track your visits to, and interaction with, the webpage. Web beacons can also be used to track your journey across a website or a series of websites.

When you open a page with a web beacon the small file is downloaded after sending a message to a remote computer across the internet where the original image is stored. This message will include information such as your IP address and the time the web beacon was triggered. Web beacons can be used to identify the elements of a webpage that you might have interacted with including specific adverts.

Web beacons can also operate through a Beacon API to send tracking events such as page views directly to API servers.

Tracking URLs

These are specially formatted URLs that let us know when they have been clicked. They help us track things like when a particular link in an email is clicked on or which option on a webpage is chosen more often.

Device Identifiers

When you access our services our system will generate a device ID (that doesn’t include the serial number, brand or model of your device) and assign this to our record of your device.

We regard the use of device identifiers as being essential to offering you our services and therefore (as allowed by law) the use of device identifiers on our services cannot be turned off.

Cookie Categories

Based on the functionality they provide, we classify all the ‘Cookies’ we use (including browser cookies, local storage, web beacons, tracking URLs and device identifiers) into the following categories:

In our Cookie Settings you are able to select (with the exception of Essential Cookies as explained below) the categories of Cookies we can use whenever you access our services.

Essential Cookies

These are essential for providing you with important functionality and secure access to our services. Without them, we couldn’t offer you the services we do. For this reason, they do not require consent. We use Essential Cookies to:

Preference Cookies

These Cookies allow us to remember certain display and formatting settings you have chosen. Not accepting these Cookies will mean we won’t be able to remember some things for you such as your preferred screen layout. We use Preference Cookies to:

Performance and Analytics Cookies

These Cookies help us to understand how you use our services and provide us data that we can utilise to make improvements. Not accepting these Cookies will mean we will have less data available to help make improvements. We use Performance and Analytics Cookies to:

Advertising Cookies

These Cookies are used by us and our approved advertising partners to customise adverts which are shown by us on our services and by third parties on our services and on other websites and services. Not accepting these Cookies means you may be shown advertisements that are less relevant. We and our approved advertising partners use Advertising Cookies to:

Managing Cookies

When you first access our services, you will be shown a brief message explaining what we use Cookies for. You can either accept the use of all Cookies on our services, or if you do not wish to accept the use of some Cookies, you can go to our Cookie Settings to specify your preferences. These preferences will be saved so that the next time you access our services you do not have to make your choices again. You can also adjust the preferences you have selected at any time by accessing the Cookie Settings page again from the link in the footer of our website or from the Settings page in our mobile apps.

Please note that if you choose to disable some or all Cookies in your browser, it will limit the functionality that different websites and services (including ours) can make available to you.

Related Terms

This Cookie Policy, our Terms of Service, our Privacy and Data Policy, and Takedown Guidance Policy, the terms of any plan you purchase and any other terms and policies expressly referenced in those documents, together constitute the entire agreement between us relating to your use of our services. Where there is any inconsistency between those documents, to the greatest extent by law, the Terms of Service prevail. All defined terms in our Terms of Service shall have the same meaning in this Cookie Policy. To the greatest extent permitted by law all limitations and exclusions of liability set out in our Terms of Service apply equally to this Cookie Policy.

Last updated 18 December 2020, effective 18 January 2021.